Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

07/03/2012 - WH + Replace Aksesoris

Lost Saga Charcter

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Lost Saga Charcter

Hello all, due to the previous list having too many animations and lagging some of the readers, some of the new characters are moved here! This post will be the new character list for Lost Saga Korea until the loading gets too unbearable for some again. Once again, thanks for viewing!

Update: A tiny information on the Premium character, Beak (should be Baek) Dong Su. The character is based off the main character of an on-going popular Korean drama. You can read more about the drama here (link).

Number 60 is a character from CHAOS Online, a DOTA-like game in Korea.

Character list 4 is next for number 61 ~!!!

Replace weapon and accesories

07/03/2012 - WH + Replace Aksesoris